Monday 9 November 2015

The Funemployment Revelation

So I was fired.  No, sorry "laid off".  I'm not allowed to say fired because this was a mass-lay-off-that-affected-hundreds-of-my-colleagues. 

But! This isn't a pity party.  

No, this is a celebration - to a new chapter I shall title Funemployment.

There is nothing "fun" really about being unemployed.  It's a series of "Oh shit, what the eff am I gonna do now?" followed by a few more "This is actually a blessing in disguise, I totally have time to "do-me" and just travel" then immediately followed by "but with what money do I have to travel and spend frivolously on lavish things for myself?".  Then last, it's a "Fuck it, I'll start my new life tomorrow."

My tomorrow, was actually today.

I've been out of a job now for an entire four days.  It's been rough - I haven't had a day off in 10 years and needless to say I have NO idea how to be unemployed. I've applied to 13 jobs; seven of which I could see myself in, three are simply for the interview experience, the last few I am overqualified for.  I know, there's no such thing as overqualified, you're right.  It's not beneath me to work my way to the top but considering I've been graduated for 3.5 years and (legally) part of the workforce since I was 16 years old - I know I need to be setting myself a bit higher.  

In the meantime though, I will likely be heading back to my old serving job at a local bar.  It's exhilarating to have cash as the only thing you bring home at the end of a shift.  Serving helped me pay my way through university, bought me my first (used) car, paid for weekend partying in Montreal, Vegas, Chicago, Boston, Miami, etc and eases my mind knowing that I will ALWAYS have change for my bold black coffees.  

For now, I am going to dig through my car seats to find enough dimes to earn me a tall pike roast.

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