Tuesday 2 February 2016

There is Nothing Minimal about Minimizing

I adore YouTube vloggers.  They're ridiculously inspiring.  And you wouldn't think so because I tend to watch their glamorous lives whilst I sit in my pyjamas at 1pm on a Tuesday.  But after watching the tenth 12-minute January Favourites video - I can start my day with a zest and fervour I didn't have before.

One particular vlogger I'm into right now is Rachel Aust.  She's a beautiful Aussie with a kick ass pad and a smoking bod.  A triple threat, if you will.  But one of the most inspiring things she regularly posts about is a Minimalist Lifestyle and how to achieve simplicity.

I'm a hoarder (ish).  I keep memories in a box including ticket stubs from dates with my first  boyfriend, friendship bracelets donned in grade three that had withered off my wrists, fortune cookie fates I always expected to come true.  I keep sweaters that make me look like a box because they're good for cottage campfires.  But I don't own a cottage and rarely sing Kumbaya around a bonfire pit.  I keep dresses that I think are "classic" but every trend has an expiration date.  Until that is, they come back in style  -  like those ridiculous plastic neck chokers I used to rock in grade seven.

Nevertheless, I am embarking on a new mission of Culling. (Very different than our fave vampire fam). Culling by definition means to to gather the choice things or parts from. Rachel Aust swears by this in her minimalist mantra. In fact, she made an easy (but not so easy) Challenge that will have you living a minimalist lifestyle in just two months! Bless her.

With my hoarding behaviours however, this will likely take two years. But first, I'm going to start with my closet - anyone in need of a pair of acid washed bell bottoms?

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